Singerpreneur Podcast

Start Now (A quick bite)

Episode Summary

The first of our Quick Bites episodes, this little lessons attempt to impart something useful in about two minutes.

Episode Notes

This Quick Bite was originally a post on the Singerpreneur blog, and inspired by the podcasting course that made this podcast possible.  

Visit the Singerpreneur blog


Episode Transcription

Start Now

Lauri: Welcome to the Singerpreneur Podcast, a spectrum of ideas and realities around life and work in the classical vocal world. I'm Lauri Goldenhersh, and this is a Quick Bite.

[00:00:12] I hope these shorter episodes will give you something to carry around with you through the day. This first one was actually part of an exercise in the podcast course that I took before launching this endeavor, but the concept is relevant to every artist. If you're thinking big enough, if you're thinking far enough ahead, there are probably lots of things that you don't feel ready to tackle yet, but you may want to rethink that.

[00:00:39] Start now.

[00:00:40] That was the message this week, when one of my course classmates expressed concern that he wouldn't really need his podcast for six more years, but with what we're doing, he'd be producing podcast content in a matter of weeks. Seth and Alex, our course leaders said, "perfect. Start now". And they were absolutely right.

[00:00:59] There's an illusion of instantaneousness to digital  projects as if they sprang into being and created a following all at once. But the reality takes time, commitment and consistency. It's not just a matter of building your email list or your social media page or your concert series or your podcast or whatever.

[00:01:17] It will take time for you to build the habits and the following to make all of that a success. So waiting for the moment when you need to be a success is essentially planning for failure. We all need this nudge to start now. Sometimes an idea sneaks up on us at what seems like the worst possible time, but like having children, there is no perfect time to do that.

[00:01:40] There will always be obstacles. There will always be challenges and getting through those obstacles and challenges is one of the most rewarding parts of your success.

[00:01:53] This podcast is a project of Lauri's List which has been serving singers, conductors, composers, organizations, and other artists in classical vocal music since 2002.

[00:02:04] See this episode description for more links and resources. We'll see you soon.